Thursday, 29 December 2011

Preliminary Announcement

26 December 2011


Theme: Innovation and Entrepreneurship
26-30 May 2012

Dear Principals, International Colleagues, Teachers and Friends,

Greetings from St George’s Girls’ School, Penang, Malaysia! 

Time flies!   Once again St George’s Girls’ School is moving into organising the 3rd SGGS International Students’ Conference (SISC) 2012.                              

The Organising Committee is delighted to invite your students (17-19 year-olds) to join us at this conference where they will get a chance to meet up with other international students in Penang, the Pearl of the Orient, UNESCO World Heritage Site.

SISC 2012 will be an international gathering of high school/college students and may include delegations from as many as 18 countries.  The main aim of SISC 2012 is to make delegates aware of the relevant skills needed in being entrepreneurs.   Thus the theme of the conference Innovation and Entrepreneurship is chosen because many students nowadays are encouraged to diversify into being innovative entrepreneurs after finishing their studies rather than confining themselves to the conventional careers of being doctors, engineers, teachers or accountants.

The objectives of the conference are:

  • To strengthen the networking and linkage between Malaysian students and international students, thus providing a platform for the exchange of knowledge, ideas and experiences
  • To encourage students to develop and excel as future entrepreneurs contributing towards     the betterment of society and nation
  • To understand entrepreneurship as a life skills
  • To acquire creative problem-solving techniques
  • To improve their communication and oral presentation skills.
  • To acquire a realistic view and management of money.
  • To understand the dynamics of running a business.

English will be the official language used throughout the conference.
Our themes and sub-themes of the conference are:

Keynote Address:
Theme:               Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Plenary Session 1:     
Sub-theme:        Innovation and Entrepreneurship:  Youths as Future Entrepreneurs

Plenary Session 2:
Sub-theme:        Innovation and Entrepreneurship:  Challenges of Women Entrepreneurs

Forum 1:          
                     Innovation and Entrepreneurship:  The Real Business World
Forum 2:          
                     Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Co-operatives:  A Different Way of Doing Business

As can be seen from the Conference Programme At A Glance (Appendix A), the conference offers ample opportunities for student delegates:

  • to listen to distinguished speakers touch on interesting themes
  • speak up and deliberate at workshops
  • present project papers (prizes will be given to the best presentations)
  • make cultural presentations; and
  • set up exhibitions of their schools’ entrepreneurial projects/products.
The year 2012 has been declared the International Year of Co-peratives, or IYC, and celebrates a different way of doing business, one focused on human need not human greed, where the members (who own and govern the business) collectively enjoy the benefits instead of all profits going just to shareholders.

Having an International Year of Co-operatives provides an opportunity to captivate the attention of national governments, the business community and, most importantly, the general public on the advantages provided by the co-operative model.

The global voice of co-operatives The International Co-operative Alliance (ICA) is seeking to leverage the International Year to raise the public awareness of co-operatives worldwide.

As such, the conference will be having a forum with the theme Innovation and Entrepreneurship:  Co-operatives: A Different Way of Doing Business.

We are confident that both students and their teacher escorts will benefit greatly from this conference and we hope that you will mark the dates of this conference in your school/college calendar.   

Further details about the conference will be sent out soon to schools and colleges so that official registration may begin.

Thank you very much and we look forward to seeing your school’s participation at the conference.

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